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Meet The Founder – Black Rice VLC

Josep Pascual, born in Valencia (Spain) came to the UK to complete his degree and to learn English. During his stay he was worked as a chef and found his skills led him to be placed in charge of improving and standardizing the recipes for the franchise.

As he completed his traineeship and was about to go back to Spain to work as a lawyer he decided to stay to do what he does best and what he truly loves to do: Cooking.

That’s how Black Rice VLC was born, Josep decide that if he was staying in Cambridge to cook, he would start his own business, sharing his hometown’s signature dishes along with other Mediterranean dishes, the same ones his grandparents and father taught him, the ones he has prepared for family and friends at parties and family gatherings.

Black Rice VLC’s ethos are the three simple rules Josep’s family passed on to him: “Cook fresh and never waste food”, “always cook with love” and “give your best to everything you do”. It is with these principles, his creativity and the authentic traditional recipes, that we bring to Black Rice VLC. The smells, colours , textures and flavours of the Valencian kitchen are in everything we do; we put them to good use love to share our traditional food with our costumers every day.